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That'swhy I didn't come to the wedding. But then I thought maybe if I visitedand somehow got to know Heather, she might help me, somehow. I was notthinking clearly at all, and I can see that I haven't until right now. Ihave been terribly selfish and destructive, and I am so sorry I have hurtboth of you. I know there's no way I can repair this, so I will have toaccept that I will never see either of you again, and that is what Ideserve."Martin fell silent, staring at the floor. John looked sad, and didn't seemto be able to say anything. Finally, I said, "Martin, I forgive you. Andyou won't lose me as a friend." After a minute or so, John said, "Marty, Iam sorry about Ann. You know I've been through that myself. I forgive you,and you are still my friend. I understand your crush on Heather and thatyou are in pain. I think we can all move beyond this. I'm not happy thatyou propositioned my wife, but all of us have made mistakes."I squeezed John's hand, and said, "Martin, do you have time. I felt like I was been ripped open and when he finally got his whole cock inside me it was like he was banging the bottom of my spine.He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out, my ass clasped closed but then he pushed in again and again the pain was terrible, "who the fuck would do this shit for pleasure?" I said to myself as he pulled out again.Then he went in again, I was trying to focus on sucking the tanned ones cock, but jeesssssssssss the pain was incredibleThen he pulled out again, and the relief was amazing, but these time he put his cock to my ass and my ass sucked his cock in, I didn't feel any real pain, pressure maybe but I actually started to enjoy it.It was so good that I started to push back onto his cock, rocking my hips and fucking his cock as much as he was fucking my ass.I was in a world of pleasure, my ass full of cock while my mouth was licking and sucking this beautiful slim long tanned cock. The head was bring pink and full of blood, I could feel the power.
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